Southeast Dental - Dentist in Markham, ON

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5 Tips for Dental Health During the Holidays

The holiday season is a great time of year for family, friends, and food. And, of course, along with the food there are always desserts and treats that are hard to pass up – and we’d never tell you to! Instead, we’ve got 5 tips to make sure you take great care of your teeth this season, while still enjoying the sugary treats you love.

  1. Brush Whenever & Wherever You Can! – While brushing your teeth in public or at other people’s homes can seem a bit strange, it also means that you keep your teeth clean and prevent cavities on the go. Keeping a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste with you is very handy, but if you’re not so comfortable with that, there are other options. Try chewing sugarless gum or using mouthwash!
  2.  Not All Holiday Snacks Have to be Unhealthy – Try balancing the cookies and baked treats with some items from the veggie and fruit trays! This will prevent you from eating too many sugars, and the fruits and veggies will also help clean your teeth.
  3. Stock Healthy Stockings – Instead of filling stocking with candies and treats for your kids, try including a fun new toothbrush or container of floss. Finding dental health tools with their favourite characters or in their favourite colours makes it an even better gift!
  4. Drink to your Health – High sugar content, tooth staining, bad breath and dry mouth are all problems with many of the drinks enjoyed around the holidays. So be sure to drink plenty of water to rinse out the sugars and residue, cleanse your mouth, and keep it hydrated and healthy.
  5. Come & See Us! – Booking a cleaning after the holidays is also a good idea – contact us today or use our online booking form.

Happy Holidays from your Markham dental team at Southeast Dental!

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