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All Posts Tagged: teeth grinding

A Real Grind – Solutions for Bruxism

After a good night’s sleep, most people would expect to wake up feeling refreshed and rested, ready to take on the day. But for those who have to deal with bruxism, unfortunately that is rarely the case.

Bruxism, the medical term for what most refer to as teeth grinding, is quite common in adults. Often, people don’t even realize they’ve been grinding their teeth throughout the night, if it wasn’t for the resulting jaw pain and sore teeth they’re met with in the morning. Bruxism is thought to be the result of many different possible causes – the main one believed to be stress and anxiety. Additional causes include misalignment of the upper and lower teeth, sleep apnea, snoring and other sleep issues, and even acid reflux.

Luckily, there are ways to deal with teeth grinding. Here are a few that are worth giving a try:

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