Southeast Dental - Dentist in Markham, ON

Address : 70 Karachi Dr, Markham ON L3S 0B5
  Call Us : 905-471-2002

What Causes Gum Recession?

If you suffer from sensitive teeth, there could be an underlying problem that is causing it, especially if it’s extremely painful. One potential cause is gum recession, or gingival recession – this means that the gums have pulled away from the teeth, exposing the nerves and causing pain.

A common reason for the recession is gum disease like gingivitis, as we mentioned in a previous blog post. Another potential cause for recessed gums is aggressive brushing. Gentle brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush is recommended for optimal cleaning, as forceful brushing can cause damage to both the teeth and gums. Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can sometimes be responsible for receding gums as well, as can genetics – if either of your parents have had receding gums in their lives, there’s a very good chance that you may, too.

If you’re unsure of the symptoms of recession, some symptoms may include tooth sensitivity, swelling and redness, increased length of the tooth, and exposed roots. This can result in pain and discomfort, and should be treated as soon as possible.

So how do you treat gum recession? The best way is preventative care, by brushing and flossing daily, keeping up with regular dental appointments and cleanings, and generally caring for your oral health. But if your gums are already receding, your dental professional will work with you to fix the problem.

Get in touch with us at Southeast Dental in Markham, and we’ll asses the underlying issue causing your tooth recession. From there, we can create a treatment plans that suits you best, based on the specific cause of your gum recession. Give us a call at 905-471-2002, or book your next appointment online.

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