Southeast Dental - Dentist in Markham, ON

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How Menopause Affects Dental Health

When menopause occurs, women go through a great deal of changes and experience different side effects as a result. Some of these include hot flashes, weight gain, mood changes and trouble sleeping. But menopause can also affect a woman’s dental health – here are a few issues to be aware of:

Mouth Pain: Pain and an intense burning sensation can sometimes affect the tongue, lips, palate, and other areas of the mouth. In addition, sometimes taste perception will change.

Gingivitis & Periodontal Diseases: During menopause, gingivitis and other periodontal diseases such as periodontitis, may become more common.

Receding Gums: Menopause can cause quite a few side effects to the gums, as receding gums are another potential problem that can occur. This is due to fluctuations in hormone levels, which makes gums become far more sensitive.

Dry Mouth: Lower estrogen levels can cause xerostomia, or dry mouth. As menopause causes the body to make less estrogen, this is very common, and can be aided with higher water intake, and non-alcoholic mouth rinses.

Bone Loss: Another side effect of lowered estrogen levels is a decrease in bone density, making them weaker and brittle. This can cause bone loss in the jaw.

During menopause, be sure to continue your daily oral health routine – brush twice daily, and floss every day. Healthy eating can also be beneficial, so choosing vitamin-rich foods is a good idea. In some cases, supplements may be suggested by your doctor to ensure your body is getting the nutrients it requires while experiencing these changes. Regular dental visits are also important in order to stay on top of these side effects. Southeast Dental in Markham and our friendly staff are here to help with any oral health issues that may occur due to menopause. To book your appointment with us, call 905-471-2002 or use our online form.

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