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Caring for Your Teeth on Summer Vacation

For Canadians, one common summer pastime is going to a cottage or campsite to relax in the sun, sit around bonfires, and swim in the lake.While on relaxing summer vacations, it can be easy to forget to stick with daily dental care, but it’s important to make sure that you are prepared in advance and don’t neglect your teeth.

Here are some tips to keep your mouth healthy and clean during your time off.

Bring Your Tools

Before you leave, make sure you’ve packed everything you need for your daily teeth cleaning: a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, and maybe even a backup toothbrush – just in case.

Always Pack Water

Some northern vacation spots don’t have proper drinking water, so make sure to bring a lot. Not only will do you need it to stay hydrated, but also for brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth.

Routine, Routine, Routine

What’s one thing we always talk about in our blog posts? Your daily dental routine! No matter where you are, it’s always important to keep up your brushing and flossing routine each day. So even on vacation, make time to keep it up.

Don’t Overdo the Sugar

Treats and sugary snacks are always a part of vacations, it seems. Even if you don’t normally consume sugar regularly, you may allow yourself more sweets during your time away. And that’s perfectly fine, in moderation. Try not to overdo the sugar, and be sure to brush afterward.

Book a Check-up

After your trip, it might be a good idea to book a cleaning with the dentist. Just in case the sugary treats were too tempting, and your dental routine wasn’t followed quite as closely as usual. Come and see us at Southeast Dental and we’ll get your pearly whites clean, healthy, and ready for the rest of the summer!

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