Southeast Dental - Dentist in Markham, ON

Address : 70 Karachi Dr, Markham ON L3S 0B5
  Call Us : 905-471-2002

What Not to do When it Comes to Your Teeth

You may have great teeth, and the perfect daily dental health routine – brushing twice per day, flossing daily, maybe even using mouthwash to rinse. But there could still be some bad habits or behaviours that can negatively affect your oral health, and you may not even realize it!

Using Teeth As a Tool – When items come in hard to open packages, it can seem like a good idea to use the strength of your teeth open them. In fact, this is a good way easily to chip or break a tooth. And when there is any type of opening, tooth decay can take over.

Biting Nails – Nail biting is a bad habit on its own, but it’s also terrible for your mouth. Teeth can very easily be chipped, cracked, or ground down due to nail biting. It has also been found that people who habitually bite their nails (or other items, such as pencils) may be at an increased risk for bruxism, also know as teeth grinding.

Mouth Piercings – Certain oral piercings can make big trouble within the mouth. Lip, tongue, and labret rings can cause wear to the gums and teeth, as well as potential infection, bleeding, and swelling. We would never tell you not to get a piercing – but know the risks before you commit.

Over-Whitening – While everyone would love to have pearly white teeth, there is such a thing as over-whitening – especially when it isn’t done in a professional office. Over-bleaching your teeth may cause tooth pitting or nerve damage, so it’s important to always have teeth whitened professionally. At Southeast Dental in Markham, we offer safe, effective, in-office whitening. To book an appointment to have your teeth safely whitened, give us a call at 905-471-2002, or easily book online.

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