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How Crooked Teeth Can Cause Oral Health Problems

Crooked teeth are very common, especially in children as their adult teeth start to come in. While they’re often seen as an aesthetic issue that some may correct with braces, there are actually other oral health issues that can occur due to crooked teeth that go far beyond just appearance.

Difficulty Cleaning Teeth – When the teeth are too close together, or even overlapping each other, it can be hard to give them a proper clean. Certain toothbrushes and floss helpers can make it easier in some cases, but if there is too much of the tooth’s surface that can’t be reached, it can cause a number of problems, such as cavities and weakened enamel.

Tooth Wear Due to Crowding – Crowded teeth can also create further wear, since they are out of alignment and may rub against other teeth. This is especially common with crowded bottom teeth, which can rub against the backs of the top teeth.

Potential Injuries – If there are teeth protruding outward, it can make it much easier for injuries to occur. Chips and cracks are more common, especially when an accident happens. And when a tooth has left a significant gap, or is simply sticking out, things can also become caught in it – including your lip. This can become quite painful, since it’s likely that the lip will become caught between the teeth repeatedly.

If crooked teeth are causing you problems – appearance or otherwise – Invisalign is an excellent option, especially for those who don’t want braces to be too noticeable. Southeast Dental is Markham offers Invisalign so our patients can achieve the smile they’ve always wanted, without the injuries and potential problems that come with crooked teeth. If you’d like to learn more about Invisalign, we’re happy to help – give us a call at 905-471-2002 or via one of our other contact options.

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