Southeast Dental - Dentist in Markham, ON

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The History of Teeth Cleaning

From a young age, we learn what a toothbrush is and how to properly brush, floss, and generally care for our teeth. For generations, dental health routines have widely been the same. But have you ever wondered where our current teeth-cleaning methods came from? Here’s a brief history lesson.

Before toothbrushes and floss were ever invented, people would use twigs, rough cloths and water to wipe off and then rinse their teeth. In some areas, even rocks and salt were used – since salt is gritty and abrasive, it was used to make rough, plaque-covered teeth smooth again.

Believe it or not, they also had their own version of toothpaste, made up of ox hooves, egg shells, and sometimes even bones. Similar to their use of salt, these were abrasive and resulted in smooth teeth.

England in the 1770s was when the first toothbrush-type device was invented. A prisoner named William Addis wasn’t satisfied with how a rag cleaned his teeth, so he saved a small bone from his dinner and fashioned a tool. He put small holes in it and glued pig bristles in them – this created the first-ever toothbrush.

But that wasn’t where the creation of the toothbrush ended. From there, it was patented by an American in 1857. Then, the invention of nylon in the 1930s marked the beginning of toothbrushes looking like the ones we currently use.

Even then, brushing teeth daily was not a common practice yet in North America. U.S. soldiers picked up the habit during World War II, and brought it back home with then after the war had ended.

As for flossing? A dentist from New Orleans was instructing his patients to use silk thread to clean debris between their teeth around 1815. Over the years, the material changed from silk to nylon, and now even Gore-Tex.

So there you have your dental history lesson! If you have any questions about your own dental health, or if you’d like to book your next appointment, get in touch with Southeast Dental in Markham at 905-471-2002.

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