Southeast Dental - Dentist in Markham, ON

Address : 70 Karachi Dr, Markham ON L3S 0B5
  Call Us : 905-471-2002

Dental Health on Vacation

Warmer weather often means vacations, such as camping and cottage trips for families. If that means you and your family, it’s important to remember to keep up your dental health routine during your time away. We know, it can be hard to remember to brush and floss and make the right food choices while you’re away, having a great time. But with these tips, we’re making it easier for you!

Plan & Pack: When planning and packing for your trip, make sure you remember to pack all dental tools needed for the whole family. Toothbrushes, floss, toothpaste, mouth rinse – even packing extras can come in handy, just in case!
Take the Time: We know that vacations are all about fun, but it’s important to remember to take the time each day to care for your teeth. Don’t skip out on brushing twice daily, flossing, and general care for your mouth. Luckily it doesn’t take long, but makes a big difference.
Stay Hydrated: Water is is necessary when it comes to overall health and mouth health, but that is especially true during the warmer months. As the temperature rises, be sure to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. This will help to rinse food particles, keep bacteria-fighting saliva flowing, and avoid dry mouth.
Use Sunscreen: You may not think of sunscreen as oral health care, but your lips are actually very sensitive to sun damage. Whenever you’re outside, be sure to use a lip balm with a sunscreen in it, and re-apply regularly to protect your lips.
Visit Southeast Dental Before Your Trip: Taking preventative measures are best to keep dental issues at bay before they can occur. To do this, book a cleaning and checkup at Southeast Dental, and let our friendly and professional team take care of your smile! You can give us a call at 905-471-2002, or use our online form.
Have a great vacation!

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