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All Posts in Category: Family Health

Are You Prone to Cavities?

If you find that you’ve had more cavities in your life than your friends or family members, there are good reasons for it. The truth is, even those who strictly follow a proper daily dental hygiene routine can be more prone to cavities than others.

Here are a few reasons that some have more cavities more than others – do any of them apply to you?

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Vacation & Your Oral Health

This time of year, many are ready to head to warmer climates to relax on beaches and get away from Canadian winters. And while you may not think it’s important to plan for your oral health, it is – not only is it easy to forgo your usual hygiene routine while on vacation, you may also run into problems that you wouldn’t think of.

Here are some tips to keep in mind while you plan for your holiday.

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The Holidays and Your Oral Health

The holiday season is here, and with it comes friends, family, festivities, and of course – food. Wonderful meals, delicious treats and everything in between are a big reason this is a much-loved time of year. To ensure that you keep your mouth clean and healthy while still enjoying the best of the season, here are some tips to balance oral hygiene with the celebrations:

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Is Mouthwash Right for You?

If your daily mouth-cleaning routine is normal, you likely brush and floss each day – but what about mouthwash? Some people swear by it, while others don’t find it necessary. With so many different types now available, it can also be hard to decide which suits your needs. Here are some mouthwash facts so that you can decide if it’s right for your regimen.

What They Do:

There are many uses that mouthwash provides – to freshen breath, to minimize plaque, to prevent gingivitis, and even just as an after-brush rinse. The main types of mouthwash are cosmetic and therapeutic. Cosmetic varieties are mainly to mask bad breath and leave a pleasant taste, without killing bacteria or focusing on any other dental issues. Therapeutic varieties are for reducing plaque, fighting gingivitis and bad breath, and also preventing cavities. Many therapeutic mouthwashes contain fluoride.

Who Uses Them:

Mouthwash is beneficial for those who have difficulty brushing and flossing, as well as those with halitosis, or people with spaces or pockets in their gums. But they’re safe for anyone who is simply looking for an extra step to make their mouth as clean and fresh as possible.

How to Choose What Kind to Use:

As we mentioned above, not all mouthwashes are created equal. For example, some brands of mouthwash kill bacteria that cause cavities, while others merely offer a fresh minty flavour to hide bad breath. That said, the antibacterial versions often contain alcohol which may be a deterrent for some people. Since there are now many different types of mouthwash on the market, it’s a good idea to speak to a dental professional about the many options available.

If you aren’t sure whether or not mouthwash would be an effective addition to your oral hygiene routine, the smile team at Southeast Dental in Markham can help. At your next check-up, we can discuss the pros and cons and make the best decision for your specific needs.

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worst food for your teeth

The Worst Foods for Your Teeth

In previous blog posts we’ve outlined some foods that are great for your teeth – these include apples, carrots, cheese, and lean protein. They can help clean your teeth between meals, and some even help to neutralize the bad bacteria that build up in your mouth. But, of course, there is an even longer list of foods that are terrible for your teeth. We’ve put together a list of the worst oral health culprits you can eat.

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5 Signs of a Healthy Mouth

How do you know when your mouth is healthy? You may brush twice a day, floss, eat healthy foods and generally take good care of it – but even with those good habits, there could be areas that need further attention. Here are some of the ways you can tell that your mouth is a healthy one:

Gums – Healthy gums should be light pink in colour, and have a firm, smooth texture. Red, swollen, and even bleeding gums can be a sign of gingivitis or other gum diseases.

Breath – Bad breath happens to everyone, and in general it shouldn’t be seen as a sign of oral health problems. But if the odour persists, even with a proper daily hygiene routine, it could mean there’s an underlying concern.

Inner Cheeks – Your inner cheeks should normally be pink, glossy and smooth. Check for white, gray, or red patches, as well as swelling. Sometimes we can accidentally bite on the cheeks, causing irritation or bumps – this can be normal. But if it happens often, it’s a good idea to mention that to your dentist.

Tongue – Your tongue can tell you a lot of about the health of your mouth. If it’s pink, clean, and covered with small bumps (which are called papillae), that’s a great sign. Pay attention if your tongue changes colour or texture – if it becomes red, inflamed, or covered in a white film that is difficult to brush off, talk to your dentist.

Teeth – We often consider healthy teeth to be white, and that is partially true. Naturally, teeth should be a uniform, off-white colour. While yellow teeth do not necessarily mean that teeth are unhealthy, it can indicate issues with the enamel or dentin. Gaps, crowding, and broken teeth are also important items to pay close attention to.

Your dental check-ups will allow the dentist to keep an eye on your mouth to ensure there are no unhealthy signs. Be sure to stick to regular cleanings to keep your mouth at its healthiest. To book your appointment with the smile team at Southeast Dental in Markham, give us a call 905-471-2002.

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Keeping Cavities at Bay

Preventing cavities is an important part of dental care. While there are many oral health issues we all work to keep from occurring, cavities are the number one reason most people make an effort to take proper care of their teeth. But there are different ways to help prevent cavities, and we want to ensure that you’re well-informed and ready to fight those dental caries!

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The Danger of Over-Brushing

The importance of properly brushing your teeth at least twice per day can’t be overstated – it’s your best defense against plaque, cavities and tooth decay. That said, there is such a thing as too much brushing, as well as brushing too aggressively. Over-brushing can cause the tooth’s protective enamel to wear down, and can also result in a receding gum line which can expose the roots and lead to even more oral health problems.

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After Halloween: Being Smile-Smart About Candy

It’s a fun time of year for children, with Halloween giving them a chance to dress up in a costume and collect candy from neighbours. But for parents, it can be a bit stressful to monitor sugar intake from all of that Halloween candy while still letting the kids have their treats. We’re here to help you deal with those large bags of candy you now have and the children who want to devour them.

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