Southeast Dental - Dentist in Markham, ON

Address : 70 Karachi Dr, Markham ON L3S 0B5
  Call Us : 905-471-2002

All Posts Tagged: markham

Dealing with Chronic Gingivitis

Almost everyone experiences gingivitis at some point in their life. It’s very common, and often a result of not flossing enough or brushing gums properly. But for some, the gingivitis never seems to go away. Are you someone with chronic gingivitis?

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Choosing Your Daily Dental Tools

To make the most of your daily dental hygiene, it’s important to be armed with the best tools for your particular needs. Everyone’s mouth is different – and because of this, there is a multitude of dental items to choose from, to ensure every mouth gets the best care.

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All About Sealants

Everyone’s teeth are different – much like fingerprints. For some, the teeth in the back of their mouths have deeper grooves than most people, which can make it easier for bacteria to thrive and result in cavities. While brushing, flossing, and general daily dental hygiene can help, there’s another common solution. Have you heard about sealants?

Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings that are painted onto the chewing surfaces of the teeth. They create a smoother surface that acts as a barrier against food particles, bacteria, and potential cavities. They offer an effective preventative measure against tooth decay.

Often, sealants are used to for children and teens whose adult molars and premolars have come in with particularly deep grooves. Dentists sometimes recommend applying sealants as soon as the new teeth have erupted, to prevent problems. However, adults can also have sealants applied, especially if they did not have them at a younger age.

The sealant process is a quick, simple and painless one. There is no drilling, numbing or anesthetic required. First, the teeth are properly cleaned. Then, once they have been dried, the sealant liquid is painted on the chewing surface and then left to dry for a minute or two while it hardens. Because the application is non-invasive, it is a great option for younger patients.

Once applied to the teeth, they can last from 5 to 10 years with proper dental care. The dentist will be able to monitor them over the years to know if and when they need to be re-applied.

Sealants are not generally visible, unless looking closely at them. They’re often clear or slightly tinted to tooth colour and are not visible like some fillings can be. Sealants can be felt with the tongue, however, as they make the chewing surface smooth and slippery.

If you’re considering sealants for yourself or one of your family members, contact Southeast Dental in Markham for more information. Call 905-471-2002, or one of the other options on our contact page.

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Vacation & Your Oral Health

This time of year, many are ready to head to warmer climates to relax on beaches and get away from Canadian winters. And while you may not think it’s important to plan for your oral health, it is – not only is it easy to forgo your usual hygiene routine while on vacation, you may also run into problems that you wouldn’t think of.

Here are some tips to keep in mind while you plan for your holiday.

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The Proper Way to Floss

Flossing is an important part of our daily dental hygiene routines. It allows us to clean the food debris and bacteria from between our teeth and prevent decay. If you’re unsure of the proper way to floss, or want to make sure that you’re flossing effectively, we’ve put together easy step-by-step instructions to guide you in your daily flossing.

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worst food for your teeth

The Worst Foods for Your Teeth

In previous blog posts we’ve outlined some foods that are great for your teeth – these include apples, carrots, cheese, and lean protein. They can help clean your teeth between meals, and some even help to neutralize the bad bacteria that build up in your mouth. But, of course, there is an even longer list of foods that are terrible for your teeth. We’ve put together a list of the worst oral health culprits you can eat.

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After Halloween: Being Smile-Smart About Candy

It’s a fun time of year for children, with Halloween giving them a chance to dress up in a costume and collect candy from neighbours. But for parents, it can be a bit stressful to monitor sugar intake from all of that Halloween candy while still letting the kids have their treats. We’re here to help you deal with those large bags of candy you now have and the children who want to devour them.

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The Real Negative Effects of Smoking on your Oral Health

It’s common knowledge that cigarette smoking is terrible for your health, and the health of those around you. Its negative impacts are extensive. Lung cancer, pulmonary disease, heart disease, stroke – the list goes on. But those don’t even include the issues that smoking causes for your oral health, and there are a great deal of them.

A recent study has discovered that smoking actually changes the natural bacteria within the mouth, causing a number of problems. Without the naturally occurring oral bacteria, tooth decay and oral diseases become more prevalent. Another potential byproduct of smoking is tooth cancer and other oral cancers – in fact, oral cancer is currently one of the most common forms of cancer in Canada and smoking plays a big part of that.

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Brushing Your Teeth the Right Way

Everyone brushes their teeth each day (at least we hope they do!). But how many are brushing properly, to make it most effective for a healthy, clean mouth? We’ve outlined the steps needed to make sure you’re getting the most out of your twice daily brushing:

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