Southeast Dental - Dentist in Markham, ON

Address : 70 Karachi Dr, Markham ON L3S 0B5
  Call Us : 905-471-2002

All Posts Tagged: Markham dentist

Making Your Teeth Look Their Best

Have you ever looked at a photo of yourself and thought that your teeth weren’t looking as great as they could be? Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint the issue – maybe your teeth are looking a little yellow, your gums seem red and puffy, or they just aren’t as straight as they once were. Whatever your particular case may be, at Southeast Dental we have the solution for a picture-perfect smile.

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Reasons You May Be Experiencing Tooth Pain

There’s no doubt about it, tooth pain can be a terrible experience. From a dull ache to constant throbbing, it’s a pain that can’t be ignored. But do you know what’s causing yours? There are many different reasons for tooth pain, and below we’ve listed the most common causes.

Cavities – Possibly the most obvious cause of tooth pain is from cavities forming in the teeth. This is because the inside of the tooth, which holds the tissues and nerves, has become irritated due to the hole forming.

Receding Gums & Exposed Roots – For some people, gums can recede and cause the sensitive roots to be exposed, creating quite a bit of pain. There are many reasons for gum recession, including brushing too hard, using the wrong toothbrush, and periodontal diseases.

Erosion of Enamel – The protective layer of enamel is an important part of keeping teeth healthy. But acids from food, the stomach, acid reflux, and regular vomiting can wear down that enamel and cause pain as that barrier erodes.

Gum Diseases – Bacteria along the gumline can result in periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis. This can cause inflammation, and when left untreated the infection can affect the root of the tooth and cause further pain.

Bruxism – If you grind your teeth or clench your jaw, especially while sleeping, this may be the reason for your pain. We recently posted a blog with some helpful information for those of you who have this problem.

If you’re experiencing tooth pain that isn’t subsiding quickly, it’s best to make a dental appointment to find the cause of the problem and have it dealt with as soon as possible. Our Markham dentistry makes your oral health a priority, and we will work to keep your comfortable while we find the source of your tooth pain. Call Southeast Dental today at 905-471-2002, or book online at your convenience.

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Are You Prone to Cavities?

If you find that you’ve had more cavities in your life than your friends or family members, there are good reasons for it. The truth is, even those who strictly follow a proper daily dental hygiene routine can be more prone to cavities than others.

Here are a few reasons that some have more cavities more than others – do any of them apply to you?

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Teeth Cleaning on the Go

Busy lives can sometimes get in the way of sticking to a proper dental hygiene routine. If you find yourself rushing around all day, unable to find time to brush or floss, this post is for you. We’ve listed a few ways to keep your teeth as clean as possible without having to interrupt your already packed schedule too much.

Chew Sugarless Gum

One of the easiest options is to chew sugarless gum between meals and snacks. This will help to get food particles from the grooves of the teeth, as well as promote saliva production which neutralizes harmful bacteria.

Drink a Lot of Water

Keeping your mouth rinsed is important for a healthy a mouth. Having water nearby through the day and drinking often will help to flush away debris from food and, as mentioned above, neutralize bad bacteria. Not to mention that keeping hydrated is great for overall health as well.

Keep a Travel Toothbrush and Toothpaste with You

If you’re not home enough to get to your toothbrush, bring one with you! You can use them in the restroom at work, school, or anywhere else you happen to be. Travel-sized versions are perfect for carrying around wherever your busy day takes you. You can even purchase travel-sized floss to ensure that your usually dental health routine is kept up on the go.

Eat Healthy Snacks

Even the busiest people need to eat, so why not keep healthy snacks around that can help clean your teeth? Carrot sticks, apples, cheese, celery, and almonds are all great options to snack on to help clean teeth when brushing and flossing isn’t possible.

Gargle Mouthwash Between Meals

When all else fails, a quick mouth rinse and a gargle for fresh breath after eating is better than nothing. Mouthwash also comes in handy travel sizes, and can be used anywhere.

Of course, proper brushing and flossing is always the best option for a healthy mouth – even those with the busiest schedules should make sure to take the time to care for their teeth each day. And don’t forget your regular dental visits! Come see us at Southeast Dental in Markham; you can schedule it in when it works best for you, via our helpful online form.

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Keeping Your Smile Healthy This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of those you love. This often means showing others you care for them, via gifts of cards, flowers, and of course chocolates and candy. But like all holidays that see an influx of sugary treats, it can mean a higher chance of cavities and other oral health problems. But there are ways to enjoy these sweets without causing damage to your teeth. Here are a few to help you this Valentine’s Day.

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Vacation & Your Oral Health

This time of year, many are ready to head to warmer climates to relax on beaches and get away from Canadian winters. And while you may not think it’s important to plan for your oral health, it is – not only is it easy to forgo your usual hygiene routine while on vacation, you may also run into problems that you wouldn’t think of.

Here are some tips to keep in mind while you plan for your holiday.

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Your Daily Oral Hygiene Routine

On the Southeast Dental blog, we talk a lot about daily oral hygiene routines and why they’re so important. With all the information about the right toothbrushes and flosses, how long to brush, whether or not to use mouthwash, etc., it can make these routines seem complicated. That’s why we thought it would be helpfulto outline what an effective daily oral health routine should look like, so you can see how simple it is to keep your smile healthy and bright.

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The Proper Way to Floss

Flossing is an important part of our daily dental hygiene routines. It allows us to clean the food debris and bacteria from between our teeth and prevent decay. If you’re unsure of the proper way to floss, or want to make sure that you’re flossing effectively, we’ve put together easy step-by-step instructions to guide you in your daily flossing.

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